A cycling pot-pourri

January 16, 2014 at 20:46 | Posted in bicycles | 3 Comments
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Various blog-worthy things have occurred to me over recent weeks, but I’ve been too lazy / busy to write them up into proper articles. So here’s a few vignettes for blogs that could have been..

Firstly, what’s the difference between these two photos?

signcar_servo_polesThe one on the right I took a few months ago, to accompany this article detailing just a few of the infrastructure fails on the Victoria Road ‘SUP’.  The picture was also included in a Sydney Morning Herald article on the same topic. The picture on the left was taken a few days ago. Magically, the right-hand pole has been relocated to the centre of the path, making it sort of possible to ride between the poles. The power of my blog, or the SMH, or just coincidence? Of course, it’s still an epic fail – the poles are a bit uncomfortable to ride between, and if you choose not to you are forced even further to the right. It really does underlines the incompetence and lack of imagination of our roads authority. I daresay that moving that pole has used up most of the budget for cycling upgrades on this route for the next few years…

pyrmontbrDemolition teams are busily removing the monorail from Pyrmont Bridge, and I have to say now it’s gone I can appreciate just what an eyesore it was – as well as how hard it made negotiating this busy shared space. With the poles gone from the western end of the bridge the sightlines are so much better, and there’s more space for everyone to spread out into. It’s just so much safer and more comfortable for all. The problem though is that now you can see better, some cyclists seem to think it’s OK to ride faster. See that risk compensation in action…

lightsignAlso on Pyrmont Bridge, I see the City Council have put up new signs explaining how to get the bicycle lights to trigger (if you’re lucky). I note that this time they have included the roads authority complaints line – evidently they (and I) are hoping this triggers a deluge of complaints to the RMS. Although I doubt it will, cyclists will simply continue to ignore the lights as they always have.

fishmarketsignAlso on the subject of signs, I felt smug as always heading to the fish market to get the Xmas seafood. Three or four kilometres away and the signs were warning of delays, and sure enough there were queues if cars everywhere and police directing the traffic. I just cut straight through and rode in, of course. One of the cops on traffic duty was an officer I know quite well due to all my helmet shenanigans, and we exchanged a cheery ‘Merry Christmas!’ as I rode past.

Happy New Year everyone – may your 2014 be filled with enjoyable cycling, reading and snacking!


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  1. I have to ask, were you wearing a helmet when you greeted the traffic cop at the fish markets?

    • Ha ha! Of course not…. Need you ask?

  2. The monorail was a white elephant and never should have been put there in the first place, I but don’t necessarily agree it should be entirely removed – some of the stations I have heard may become bars and otherwise re-purposed and I think even the pylons and track might have had a new use – overhead cycling path?

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